About Paintings
The series Eggs to Grave stretches from the chanciness of birth to the inevitability of death, bookended by a profound nothingness. The big slog between life’s two great punctuation marks is exemplified by trees and humans, sometimes encircled by the ouroboros, a symbol of a snake eating its own tail in an act of endless creation and destruction.
The series Eve Regrets brings together images of apple, snake, and Eve with that of the grave, the ultimate symbol of divine betrayal and with it the loss of immortality.
Paintings are in acrylic, unmounted on gessoed paper (300 lb Arches) and are typically 14” x 18” or 21” x 28”
Most are for sale at reasonable prices. Contact artist: [email protected]
The series Eve Regrets brings together images of apple, snake, and Eve with that of the grave, the ultimate symbol of divine betrayal and with it the loss of immortality.
Paintings are in acrylic, unmounted on gessoed paper (300 lb Arches) and are typically 14” x 18” or 21” x 28”
Most are for sale at reasonable prices. Contact artist: [email protected]